welcome to his truth transforms international ONLINE CLASSES
“Never underestimate what God can do through the human heart fully committed to him.
Jim Craddock, Author of Pneumanetics, Founder of HTTI, and Counselor”
At His Truth Transforms International we turn biblical truth into life-changing tools. We are a teaching ministry that offers specially designed curriculum that incorporates the dynamics of biblical truth in equipping the Christian to live the adventure of a Spirit-led life and prepares them to have an effective ministry. Our training is offered through multiple venues, which includes on-line courses and on-site teaching worldwide.
Classes Offered in our Training Program:
Part 1-core classes to be completeD:
This unique curriculum, Pneumanetics Original, is our counseling training model, which is an interactive, intensive 18-sessions. We have been using Pneumanetics and Pneumanetics Original for over forty years and it has proven successful in equipping a believer to not only deepen their personal relationship with Christ, but equip them for a ministry in biblical counseling and disciplining others.
Pneumanetics Original forms the heart of our biblical counseling training and it is supported by an extensive curriculum providing in-depth study of core truths. Pneumanetics Original will build the Christian's confidence that scriptures are reliable and authoritative, representing God’s solution for addressing the complex problems facing our contemporary society.
Pneumanetics Original deals with the five levels of a living human being: behavioral, emotional, thought process, identity beliefs, and worshiping being. Pneumanetics is the practical daily living from scripture empowered by the Holy Spirit for the transformation in a believer’s life. It is one thing to show a person what God’s Word has to say about how mankind is to live, it’s quite another to show them how His Word will personally impact their lives for transformation when that Word is applied.
Pneumanetics Original - Semester I: is a 12-week (including exam review and exam) class that covers Bible study, case studies, personal application, question and answers, and a lecture covering the material.
Pneumanetics Original – Semester II: is a continuation of Pneumanetics Semester I and is a 10-week (including exam review and exams) class that covers Bible study, case studies, personal application, question and answers, and a lecture covering the material.
This fun and informative class teaches the student to search out for themselves the meaning of Scripture, bringing God’s Word alive, and giving them confidence in sharing God’s Word with others. This class focuses on the skills for accurate Biblical interpretation that relates to the counseling principles used at His Truth Transforms International. It presents several methods of Bible study with the emphasis on the Inductive method. It includes many practical tools to enable students to search out for themselves the intended meaning of Scripture. The student learns how to use various study aids to help with correct interpretation of God’s Word. Some of the skills taught will be diagramming, word studies, biographical studies, and Scripture observation. This is an 8-week, 2-hours a week class. No prerequisite required.
This 4-week class, which includes homework assignments and discussions, is designed, first, for spiritual growth and, second, to equip you to pour God’s Truth into another’s life. This class will help you identify Pneumanetics principles in scripture as a tool to help bring scripture to life in dealing with every day problems and issues that occur in our lives. It is one thing to show a person what God’s Word has to say about how mankind is to live, it’s quite another to show them how His Word will personally impact their lives for transformation when that Word is applied This class offers the tools and skills to do just that.
This class is designed to teach the student to discover how and where the Pneumanetics principals are interconnected with God’s Word. This allows the student to become proficient in the application of God’s Word for the purpose of discipleship and ministry. The emphasis of the study is applying Scripture to counseling issues using Pneumanetics Original, HTTI’s model of counseling, Prerequisite: Pneumanetics Original.
This is the final class that our students take in their training process. It focuses on developing the integrity that is crucial for a Biblical counselor, helping them develop the basic skills necessary for the counseling process, and teaches the use of Pneumanetics principles in the Biblical counseling process. Prerequisite: Pneumanetics Original Semesters 1 & 2.
Integrity of a Biblical Counselor - Semester I: is a 13-week study of the integrity that is crucial for a Biblical counselor. Topics that will be addressed include becoming a student of the Word, prayer, relationships, understanding one’s theory of counseling, and counseling goals and plans. The format of the study is homework review with questions and answers and in class training of practical hands on application of the lesson taught.
Integrity of a Biblical Counselor – Semester II: is a 13-week continuation of Integrity of a Biblical Counselor I. The student is exposed to the counseling process through role-playing and critiquing a counseling session. This course includes written assignments, Bible studies, counseling, and personal application.
Part 2 - Practicum:
Part 1: After you have completed HTTI’s Core classes, you will be assigned a supervisor to meet with. It also consists of completing reading material and videos.
Part 2: If you are called to come on staff at HTTI, you will complete an application form and go through the approval process. If you are accepted on staff, you will start raising support and acquiring your counseling hours.
Part 3 - additional TRAINING classes:
The following are additional classes to be taken as part of your training process. You can take them at any time during your training program.
A 10-week discipleship study, based off the truths developed from Pneumanetics Original. It is designed for small groups or as a personal study which encourages the student to know God so He becomes the most important person in their lives. This life-style of intimacy with the Father makes the transformation of Christ outwardly what God has already made us to be inwardly. It allow us to understand and get relief from depression, anxiety, guilt and other negative emotions that rule our lives. When God is most important in our lives we can turn away from all forms of temptation no matter how much they have ruled over us and break the power of sin which has controlled us. When we understand our new identity and begin to renew our mind with God’s Truth we can stop struggling in our Christian walk. God’s empowering presence is what enables us not only to live the Christian life victoriously but to serve Him effectively. This transformation makes us outwardly what God has already made us to be inwardly. In other words, God’s empowering word infused in our lives makes us Free Indeed! The class format is a lecture with small group homework discussion.
Small Group Facilitating
A 5-week class which prepares Christians to minister to their family, friends and acquaintances in a small group environment whether it’s at a home or a church setting. This course helps guide the facilitator into the use of skills and methods that are vital for developing a healthy group environment. Topics include, reasons groups either fail or succeed, skills for developing healthy groups, improving communication skills and prayer. With appropriate training, anyone desiring to facilitate groups can experience a form of ministry which is very rewarding.
The following classes are online. Click the class you have signed up and paid for. You should have a password to open the class.